After 21 days and multiple votes on the Floor, the House of Representatives has elected Rep. Mike Johnson as the 56th Speaker of the House. Rep. Johnson received 220 votes while Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries received 209. Speaker Johnson has indicated his intent to get the House back to work expeditiously with an immediate focus […]
The House Republican Conference has completed five rounds of balloting and Tom Emmer has emerged as the latest Speaker-designate. A recap of the balloting is included below. The Conference must now decide when/whether to conduct a vote for electing the Speaker on the House floor. This will depend upon Emmer’s ability to shore up those […]
Rep. Mike Johnson is now the Speaker-Designate after receiving 128 votes on the third ballot. The Conference immediately held a vote to confirm that Republicans would vote for him on the floor, and there were no votes in opposition. There were, however, 19 Members absent this evening and three Members (Reps. Amodei, Hill, and Massie) […]
Following Friday’s House Republican Conference vote that ended Jim Jordan’s turn at the Speaker-designate position, Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry and Conference Chair Elise Stefanik announced a process for Republicans to select a new Speaker-designate. Aspiring candidates had until noon on Sunday to announce their candidacy and nine have done so: Jack Bergman (MN) Byron […]
The House Republican Conference met at 1:00 pm this afternoon and held a vote by secret ballot to determine if Rep. Jim Jordan should remain as Speaker-Designate. 86 Republicans supported Jordan, 112 voted against him, and 5 voted present. Accordingly, Rep. Jordan is no longer the Republican Speaker-Designate. Members are headed home for the weekend […]
The House has completed a third ballot for Speaker with Jim Jordan again falling short of the requisite votes needed to be elected Speaker (194 votes for Jordan and 210 votes for Jeffries). Four Members were absent (Reps. Vicente Gonzales (D-TX), Wesley Hunt (R-TX), Donald Payne (D-NJ), and Derrick Van Orden (R-WI)). In total, 25 […]
This is meant to serve as an update on the House Speakership. In reality this is an update without a conclusion. The House is in recess subject to the call of the Chair. As has been reported, the House is not expected to conduct a third ballot for the election of the Speaker today. Jim […]
The House has completed a second ballot for Speaker with Jim Jordan falling short of the requisite votes needed (199 for Jordan, 212 for Jeffries). In total, 22 House Republicans voted for a candidate other than Jim Jordan. Two Republicans who voted against Jordan on the first ballot (Reps. Doug LaMalfa and Victoria Spartz) switched […]
The House is scheduled to convene at 11:00 a.m. this morning to conduct a quorum call, followed by nominating speeches for each side’s Speaker designee. Jim Jordan (R-OH) remains the Republican designee after failing on a first ballot for Speaker yesterday. Of the 20 House Republicans who voted for a candidate other than Jordan, Rep. […]
The Republican Conference is voting now. The two candidates for Speaker are Reps. Jim Jordan and Austin Scott. The four amendments to amend the Conference rules were tabled or withdrawn this morning so a successful candidate will only need to garner a simple majority of the Conference to become Speaker-Designate. It is unclear when House […]
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