Updated 03/08/2025
16:09:15 EST
Updated 02/26/2025
11:16:25 EST
Updated 02/24/2025
11:23:39 EST
Updated 02/18/2025
14:36:30 EST

This is meant to serve as an update on the House Speakership.  In reality this is an update without a conclusion. The House is in recess subject to the call of the Chair.  As has been reported, the House is not expected to conduct a third ballot for the election of the Speaker today.  Jim […]

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The House has completed a second ballot for Speaker with Jim Jordan falling short of the requisite votes needed (199 for Jordan, 212 for Jeffries).  In total, 22 House Republicans voted for a candidate other than Jim Jordan.  Two Republicans who voted against Jordan on the first ballot (Reps. Doug LaMalfa and Victoria Spartz) switched […]

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The House is scheduled to convene at 11:00 a.m. this morning to conduct a quorum call, followed by nominating speeches for each side’s Speaker designee.  Jim Jordan (R-OH) remains the Republican designee after failing on a first ballot for Speaker yesterday. Of the 20 House Republicans who voted for a candidate other than Jordan, Rep. […]

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The Republican Conference is voting now.  The two candidates for Speaker are Reps. Jim Jordan and Austin Scott.  The four amendments to amend the Conference rules were tabled or withdrawn this morning so a successful candidate will only need to garner a simple majority of the Conference to become Speaker-Designate. It is unclear when House […]

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The House Republican Conference convened this morning at 10:00 am.  After making calls last night, Rep. Jim Jordan will officially announce his bid for Speaker and seek the endorsement of the Conference.  Other candidates may also be nominated and considered. The Conference will first deal with four amendments to change conference rules, all relating to the procedure by which […]

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The Senate was out of session this week and will return on Monday with votes on nominations before likely pivoting to legislative action.  The upcoming work period is five weeks long, and runs through November 17, the week before Thanksgiving; it is also the date on which the current continuing resolution (CR) funding the government […]

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After two House Republican Conference meetings today (without phones allowed), countless individual Member calls and meetings, hundreds of press and X hits, and no votes on the floor, House Republicans finished the day no closer to electing a Speaker of the House than when they started.  Amidst this backdrop, Steve Scalise announced to the Conference […]

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The House Republican nominating conference for Speaker of the House began just after 10:00 a.m. this morning.  The first order of business was consideration of a Chip Roy amendment to Conference rules requiring that the Speaker-nominee reach 218 votes in Conference before advancing to the House floor.  This amendment was widely viewed as an obstacle […]

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Kevin McCarthy has told the House Republican Conference that he will not be a candidate for Speaker when the House reconvenes to elect a Speaker. Congressman Patrick McHenry (R-NC), the Speaker pro tempore, has announced that no further votes will be conducted in the House this week. The House Republican Conference is expected to reconvene […]

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The House has voted 216-210 to vacate the Chair and Rep. Kevin McCarthy has been removed from the office of Speaker of the House. Pursuant to emergency designation, Rep. Patrick McHenry has been appointed to the position of Speaker Pro Tempore and will preside over the House as it seeks to elect the next Speaker.   […]

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